GUANGZHOU, China - XPeng Inc., a leading Chinese smart electric vehicle ("Smart EV") company, today published its 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report (the "ESG Report"), which outlines the Company’s strategy and outstanding achievements in ESG performance for the year.
"As a leading Smart EV player in China, we hold a deep sense of responsibility to our customers and the broader community," said He Xiaopeng, Chairman & CEO of XPeng. "Our leadership in the Smart EV industry emphasizes the positive impact we can make in society as a responsible corporation and we are committed to using technology to bring our vision of future mobility to life, while promoting sustainable social development."
XPeng’s guiding ESG principles center around its innovative concept of X-SEG (Smart, Efficient and Green). From the establishment and operations of its factory to its core business operations, technology innovation, supply chain management, green manufacturing, product safety management, eco-friendly operations and governance policies, X-SEG provides the framework for decisions.
XPeng’s Smart EVs delivered in 2021 are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1 million metric tons over their entire life cycle, compared to conventional gasoline vehicles. The Company reduced its energy consumption density by 50% year-on-year. XPeng vehicles also achieved record-level safety performance with superior product quality and technology. Notably, the P7 has achieved the C-NCAP five-star safety rating and industry’s first i-VISTA Five Star Intelligent Vehicle Model award. XPeng also strives to make contributions to society through disaster relief, low-carbon education, and has established the XPeng Charity Foundation and XPeng Green Home Fund.