>> T-Systems joins Eclipse Open Source Foundation
>> Development of software for the digitally networked vehicle
>> Software Defined Vehicle Working Group meets at Telekom
T-Systems has joined the Eclipse Foundation. Telekom's IT service provider will in future be working on open-source software for the automotive industry in the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group. The company is significantly involved in the development of core functions and standard technologies for the digitally connected vehicle. The members of the Working Group include technology companies such as Bosch, Continental, ZF, Microsoft, Red Hat and the Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad.
T-Systems has many years of experience in the automotive industry. Here, expertise in software, connectivity, cloud and embedded systems is particularly important for collaboration in the Software Defined Vehicle Working Group and the design of connected solutions. T-Systems combines different technologies in open-source projects for the automotive industry to enable the most seamless and rapid development of software solutions.
"The Software Defined Vehicle is not a task for individual companies or technology areas, but a challenge for the entire automotive industry," said Christian Hort, responsible for the automotive business at T-Systems. "The open-source approach is primarily intended to combine the forces of all participants and thus accelerate the development of software and the toolchain. It is fundamentally important that all stakeholders share the truly valuable assets – and that the developer community works together productively.
Competitive situations must not slow down this process. Only in this way will the speed of development and the desired leaps in innovation really come about. Our contribution: we want to strengthen the automotive community with our in-vehicle software modules and our solutions for vehicle backend systems. "
"The Eclipse Foundation is pleased to welcome T-Systems and their open-source software contributions to the Software Defined Vehicle Working Group" – said Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. "The main vision of Eclipse’s SDV is to provide a unified open-source platform for the automotive industry using our code-first approach. We are excited that T-Systems can join our vibrant community of leading software engineers and help us build the fundamentals for the future connected vehicle."